Arkansas Basin Roundtable

It is the mission of the Arkansas Basin Roundtable (to be developed) ........................................

Friday, October 28, 2005

More blog info

Just wanted to point out that I have put links on the right side of this page that, by clicking on them, will take you directly to the following relevant websites:

>Interbasin Compact Site--this is specific to the Roundtable process
>CWCB Site--the Colorado Water Conservation Board website
>Colo'sDecisionSupportSystems--a new site I just found that has links to info that may be useful to us in this endeavors

I thought I a few pics of the Arkansas River and one of its major tributaries, the Purgatory, would be appropriate. So I posted some photos I took of the following: the top photo is the Arkansas River near Canon City, the second one is the Arkansas River near Salida, the third photo is of the Purgatory River in Picketwire Canyon and the bottom photo is of John Martin Reservoir.

SeEtta Moss
Roundtable "tree-hugger"