Arkansas Basin Roundtable

It is the mission of the Arkansas Basin Roundtable (to be developed) ........................................

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Some ideas about our goals and objectives

I will kick off some discussion by putting forth a few ideas about what I think our goals (broad are broad, general intentions) and objectives (specific and tangible) are that can be supported by at least most members:

Goals of the Akransas Basin Roundtable:
1)focus on retaining sufficient water in the Arkansas River and its tributaries to:
-a)provide adequate amounts of water for basin municipal areas & industrial use
-b)maintain the economies of both rural as well as urban areas throughout this basin
-c)provide necessary amounts of water to sustain basin family farming and ranching
-d)support sufficient dilution needed to sustain water quality standards
-e)sustain the stream and riparian ecosystems that improve water quality, maintain
.....hydrologic flow, reduces soil erosion, and provides fish & wildlife habitat
-f)arrange necessary stream flows required for recreational activities including, boating (rafting, kayaking, canoeing), and wildlife watching.
2)support agricultural water leasing projects that retain water in the river and tributaries so that:
-a)lands are not dewatered and rural communities harmed,
-b)while providing water to municipal systems,
-c)and financial benefit to those with water use rights.
3)to serve as a forum for public involvement regarding alternative proposals for .....meeting water needs of the basin [this is required by the statute]

Objectives are (these come from powers & responsibilities specified in HB1177):
1)establish bylaws, operating procedures, goals, and objectives
2)as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director, take on the duties and functions of the Roundtables created pursuant to the Statewide Water Supply Initiative
3)select two representatives to the Interbasin Compact Committee
4)develop a basin-wide water needs assessment that:
-a)looks at both consumptive and nonconsumptive needs
-b)analyzes the availability of unappropriated waters within the basin, if any
-c)seeks the input and advice of affected local governments, water providers and
.....other interested stakeholders and persons
5)propose projects or non-structural methods for meeting water supply needs and .....utilizing unappropriated waters where appropriate and available.
6)serve as a forum for education and debate regarding methods for meeting water needs
7)as needed, establish roundtable subcommittees or other mechanisms to facilitate .....dialogue and resolution of issues and conflicts within the basin.

SeEtta Moss