Arkansas Basin Roundtable

It is the mission of the Arkansas Basin Roundtable (to be developed) ........................................

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

More pics of Canon City Vermilion Flycatcher

Though with the 400mm lens I use, a 1.4 extender and the multiplier for my dslr camera because it is not 'full frame', which gives the equivalent of about 900 mm (about 18 X the normal view) zoom, the Vermilion Flycatcher was too distant for very good pics (and it was 6:30 pm so the lighting wasn't good either). The pics were taken from about 90 feet but when I tried to get 20 feet closer the bird fly further away. I tried unsuccessfully to refind her. However, the darkish mask and streaked underparts are visible. And the bird dipped it's tail, phoebe-like, which is the first thing I saw that with it's light coloration made me think this was a Vermilion. The light yellowish wash on it's lower belly and vent area instead of a salmon/pinkish coloration is indicative of first year birds. SeEtta

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Female Vermilion Flycatcher visiting Canon City,CO area

Late today I spotted this first year female Vermilion Flycatcher in the Canon City,CO area. A rarity here and much of Colorado, there have been only 1 or 2 other records since I found the first Vermilion which was also a first year female. Two more pics to come. SeEtta

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